Engineering And Water Resource Development
In 2018, Meridiam Partners was contracted under a Master Services Agreement to provide water resource engineering and construction on a property near Windsor, Colorado. The overall vision of the project includes site and water resource engineering, subsurface water mitigation, pipe encasement of existing historical ditch transference structures, wetland development and dam embankment engineering/construction.
This design/build project started in April 2018 with engineering and mitigation of ditch seepage using rock trench design. Meridiam provided site topography mapping and engineering design of related underground trenches and ditch pipe encasement.
Approximately 5,000 lineal feet of geotextile, drain tile and rock was installed at depths of four to eight feet to mitigate surface seepage occurring from site transference structures.
The installed rock drain system is presently capturing approximately 70 acre-feet per year of “lost” water through the diversion system that would otherwise be lost to evaporation and evapotranspiration due to surface seepage. This water has been re-introduced as valuable water rights on the property for the use of the owner.
Future work on the property is to include encasement of all ditches in pipe, reconstruction of a non-jurisdictional dam embankment, wetland cleanup & mitigation, fish and waterfowl habitat construction, and enhancement of wetlands existing on the property. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.
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